Flood disaster 2021

These days we are seeing shocking images again. After heavy rainfall, entire villages were destroyed, many people lost their belongings. In Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, more than 170 people died. Here in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia, too, the inhabitants are again fighting against the masses of water.

Now the first disaster decrees have been issued to relieve the victims. North Rhine-Westphalia started the process, followed by Rhineland-Palatinate and Bavaria. But the other federal states will follow suit. This includes, among other things, special depreciation measures for companies and private individuals for reconstruction, the deferral of taxes and reduced advance payments. But also the replacement of household goods and clothing and the repair of damage to owner-occupied residential property can be taken into account for tax purposes as extraordinary burdens.

Disaster decree of North Rhine-Westphalia
Disaster decree Rhineland-Palatinate
Disaster decree Bavaria

We would also like to help. Unfortunately, this is not possible with active support on site, which is certainly needed most at the moment, but we are happy to provide advice to all those affected and have also made a donation of € 1,000 to the German Red Cross, which can certainly make good use of it on site to be able to provide further immediate aid.

If you also want to help, you can do so easily via a specially set up page of the DRK. You can find it here:
