We are very proud to be among Germany’s top tax consultants again this year. This was determined by the business magazine FOCUS-MONEY in a broad survey of tax consultants.
In order to find competent advisors among more than 100,000 tax experts nationwide, FOCUS-MONEY initiated a test together with project manager Ulf Hausmann and tax auditors. For the 17th time in a row, scientific director Ulf Hausmann put the competence and specialisation of tax advisors to the test in an empirical survey. In addition to the qualification of the consultants and employees, the experts were also interested in the regular further training measures.
The FOCUS MONEY test also asked about the tax professionals’ know-how in terms of specialisation and industry knowledge. The testers also wanted to know whether the consultants offer their clients financial planning, controlling and cost accounting as an instrument of corporate management. Also important to the testers was the development of turnover in recent years. Points were also awarded if the firm had an ISO 9000 quality seal. In addition, the use of digital communication channels was questioned and evaluated. The evaluation is based on information provided by the law firms themselves. In addition to the project manager’s questions, auditors also provided 24 tricky questions on tax details. The results of the specialist questions account for 60 percent of the overall result.
The complete list will appear in FOCUS-MONEY magazine (issue 24/2022) from 08.06.2022 and is also available for download HERE.