When you conduct business across borders, you have to look beyond the horizon.
We know international tax law and how to prepare annual financial statements in accordance with IFRS. We are at your disposal when you have to deal with turnover taxes on international deliveries, dual national inheritances or multinational corporate groups with their subsidiaries in Germany. We often work as a mediator between parent and subsidiary company or in dealings with tax authorities related to tax returns, balance sheets, audits and transfer prices.
We maintain a network of international experts for tax issues outside Germany, whom we know not only by telephone or e-mail, but from personal experience and meetings. Just ask us – we can help you with countries ranging from Argentina to India, Japan and Mauritius to South Africa and the USA. And the list does not even end with countries such as the Kosovo.
And if you are looking for a good location for your business, we recommend our well rehearsed cooperation with Terrain Global/Conway Advisory.